Project Details
Municipality of Himarë
Responsible Authority:
Albanian Development Fund (ADF)
KfW Development Bank
Start Date:
End Date:
In progress
Brief description:
The project is to construct the pipeline of Himara and Himara Vilage, around 14km of corrugated PE pipe from DN160mm to 600mm, PE manholes ad House Connections.
Construction of 8 pump stations, the main pump station PS 1 have a flow around 107 l/sec.
The proposed WWTP design considers 24,000 p.e., but the construction works of Lot 3 will cover up to 16,000 p.e.; enough space has been left for the extension of the system, to be constructed in the future, when required.
The WWTPs of Himara and Orikum discharge to sea outfalls designed to ensure proper dilution of the effluent to cope with the EU Bathing Directive requirements.
Sea Outfall Himara is approximately 200 m long inside the sea, including the 20 m diffuser length;
Sea Outfall Himara is approximately is 650 m long, also including the diffuser (30 m). The Orikum sea outfall makes use of the outfall pipe which was already installed as part of the previous WWTP project.
ISO 9001: 2015
Ndërtim godinash civile dhe industriale, rrugë, ujësjellësa dhe kanalizime si dhe vepra për mbrojtjen lumore.
ISO 14001:2015
Ndërtim godinash civile dhe industriale, rrugë, ujësjellësa dhe kanalizime si dhe vepra për mbrojtjen lumore.
ISO 45001:2018
Ndërtim godinash civile dhe industriale, rrugë, ujësjellësa dhe kanalizime si dhe vepra për mbrojtjen lumore.