Since 1992, we have completed high-quality projects, offering innovative and reliable solutions for every need. Our commitment to professionalism and the highest standards has enabled us to help our clients achieve the success they desire, delivering sustainable and outstanding results at every step of the process.


WWTP Himarë, sewerage system, pumping stations, wastewater treatment plant, marine outfalls for Himarë and Orikum


The Contract WDFK1 has been concluded between GDWSS and the construction company PWT Wasser- und Abwassertechnik GmbH on 21stJanuary 2016within the Water Sector Investment Project (Loan IBRD-83230).

Construction Services

We offer comprehensive reconstruction services for all types of properties, from interior renovations to the restoration of façades and structures. With a specialized team and extensive experience, we ensure the completion of high-quality projects, meeting our clients’ needs for both functionality and aesthetics.

CO 1 RROKU KONSTRUKSION shpk is founded in 1992

About Our Company

Co1Rroku founded by Viktor Caushi, was formed with the idea of the respect for the new and contemporary standards in all construction projects the company does. Relying on it’s human resources consisting in the technical directors and over 100 skilled workers, also by its mechanical capacity, from the beginning, the Legal Commission gave to our Company a complete license. Since 1992 Co1Rroku has built many quality projects.

UNI-EN-ISO -9001

Construction of civil and industrial buildings, roads, aqueducts, sewers and river defense works.

BS-OHSAS -18001

Construction of civil and industrial buildings, roads, aqueducts, sewers and river defense works.


Construction of civil and industrial buildings, roads, aqueducts, sewers and river defense works.

Construction of civil buildings

Construction of Industrial Buildings

Systemation and Rehabilitation Works Landfille

River Protections and Dams

Construction and Rehabilitation of Drainage Water System

Road Construction Services

Construction of Water Supply Systems

Construction and Rehabilitation of Railroads

Construction of civil buildings

Construction of Industrial Buildings

Systemation and Rehabilitation Works Landfille

River Protections and Dams

Construction and Rehabilitation of Drainage Water System

Road Construction Services

Construction of Water Supply Systems

Construction and Rehabilitation of Railroads

Tarin River

Crossing with horizontal diameter DN 800 and length 80 m